Health Focused Groups
82 membersA group for people who suffer from acne and are interested in discussing skin care treatments and sharing tips for managing this skin condition.
Allergies - Contact
64 membersA group for people who suffer from contact allergies and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage their allergies.
Allergies - Medications
90 membersA group for people who suffer from medication allergies and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage their allergies.
Allergies - Seasonal
137 membersA group for people who suffer from seasonal allergies and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage their allergies.
Allergies- Food
100 membersA group for people who suffer from food allergies and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage their allergies.
12 membersA group for people affected by alopecia, a condition resulting in hair loss, and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage the condition.
23 membersA group for people affected by Alzheimers who want to discuss experiences and tips for managing the disease.
46 membersA group for people affected by anemia who want to discuss experiences and tips for managing the condition.
160 membersA group for people affected by arthritis and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage the condition.
Arthritis - Osteoarthritis
81 membersA group for people affected by osteoarthritis and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage the condition.
Arthritis - Rheumatoid
46 membersA group for people affected by rheumatoid arthritis and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage the condition.
Autoimmune Disorder
19 membersA group for people affected by an autoimmune disorder and are interested in discussing treatments and sharing tips to help manage their condition.
Cancer: Bladder
5 membersA group for those living with Bladder Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to connect and share resources, stories, and support.
Cancer: Brain
11 membersA group for those living with Brain Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to provide support, discuss treatments, and share resources.
Cancer: Breast
32 membersA group for those facing Breast Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to unite, find guidance, and share experiences.
Cancer: Cervical
6 membersA group for those living with Cervical Cancer and their advocates to come together, get advice, and exchange information.
Cancer: Colon
12 membersA group for those affected by Colon Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to join together, provide hope, and find support.
Cancer: Endometrial
3 membersA group for those diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer, their families, and their supporters to create a safe space, discuss treatments, and receive emotional support.
Cancer: Esophageal
1 memberA group for those fighting Esophageal Cancer, their families, and their caretakers to discuss resources, find encouragement, and connect with others.
Cancer: Eye
0 membersA group for those living with Eye Cancer, their families, and their supporters to find understanding, share knowledge, and offer support.
Cancer: Gallbladder
0 membersA group for those dealing with Gallbladder Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to discover resources, receive comfort, and connect with others.
Cancer: Gastric (Stomach)
2 membersA group for those diagnosed with Gastric Cancer, their friends, and their loved ones to build a community, find strength, and exchange information.
Cancer: Gastrointestinal
2 membersA group for people living with Gastrointestinal Cancer, their families, and friends to receive help, discuss treatments, and connect with one another.
Cancer: Head & Neck
1 memberA group for those fighting Head & Neck Cancer, their families, friends, and caretakers to get advice, access resources, and find support.
Cancer: Hepatocellular (Liver)
1 memberA group for those living with Hepatocellular Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to share experiences, learn about treatments, and connect with one another.
Cancer: Hypopharyngeal
0 membersA group for those with Hypopharyngeal Cancer, their families, and their caretakers to provide understanding, discuss treatments, and offer emotional support.
Cancer: Kaposi Sarcoma
0 membersA group for those affected by Kaposi Sarcoma, their families, and their supporters to get advice, share resources, and unite in their fight against cancer.
Cancer: Kidney (Renal Cell)
0 membersA group for people living with Renal Cell Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to discuss treatments, find hope, and receive comfort.
Cancer: Leukemia
5 membersA group for those diagnosed with Leukemia, their families, and their friends to come together, seek advice, and promote healing.
Cancer: Lip and Oral
1 memberA group for those facing Lip and Oral Cancer, their families, friends, and caretakers to exchange information, find understanding, and create a community.
Cancer: Lung
11 membersA group for those living with Lung Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to provide support, share resources, and find strength.
Cancer: Lymphoma
8 membersA group for those battling Lymphoma Cancer, their families, and their advocates to discover treatments, ask questions, and receive emotional support.
Cancer: Mesothelioma
0 membersA group for those diagnosed with Mesothelioma, their families, and their loved ones to get advice, share stories, and unite in their fight against cancer.
Cancer: Mouth
0 membersA group for those dealing with Mouth Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to find guidance, access resources, and connect with others.
Cancer: Multiply Myeloma
2 membersA group for those living with Multiply Myeloma, their families, friends, and caregivers to explore treatments, find encouragement, and receive comfort.
Cancer: Neuroblastoma
0 membersA group for those affected by Neuroblastoma Cancer, their families, and their supporters to connect, share resources, and offer hope.
Cancer: Ovarian
4 membersA group for those diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, their families, and their caretakers to provide understanding, discuss treatments, and share experiences.
Cancer: Pancreatic
3 membersA group for those fighting Pancreatic Cancer, their families, friends, and advocates to seek advice, get support, and access helpful resources.
Cancer: Prostate
8 membersA group for those living with Prostate Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to find strength, ask questions, and create a community.
Cancer: Rectal
0 membersA group for those dealing with Rectal Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to discuss treatments, receive comfort, and connect with others.
Cancer: Skin
5 membersA group for those affected by Skin Cancer, their families, and their supporters to receive help, explore treatments, and unite in their fight against cancer.
Cancer: Small Intestine
1 memberA group for those living with Small Intestine Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to provide support, find guidance, and share knowledge.
Cancer: Testicular
0 membersA group for those diagnosed with Testicular Cancer, their families, and their advocates to get advice, access resources, and find understanding.
Cancer: Throat
4 membersA group for those facing Throat Cancer, their families, friends, and caregivers to unite, discuss treatments, and exchange information.
Cancer: Thyroid
7 membersA group for those battling Thyroid Cancer, their families, friends, and caretakers to seek advice, discover treatments, and find strength.
Carpal Tunnel
14 membersA group for those living with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, their families, and their friends to connect, get support, and share resources.
Celiac Disease
5 membersA group for those dealing with Celiac Disease, their families, friends, and caregivers to receive help, find understanding, and access information.
Chronic Back Pain
72 membersA group for those suffering from Chronic Back Pain, their families, and their caretakers to ask questions, find encouragement, and connect with others.
Chronic Constipation
13 membersA group for those with Chronic Constipation, their families, friends, and caregivers to share experiences, discuss treatments, and provide support.
Chronic Fatigue
23 membersA group for those living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, their families, friends, and caregivers to explore treatments, provide understanding, and unite in their fight against chronic fatigue.
Chronic Pain
71 membersA group for those affected by Chronic Pain, their families, and their supporters to get advice, access resources, and find comfort.
Chronic Urinary Infection
5 membersA group for those dealing with Chronic Urinary Infection, their friends, and their caregivers to get support, share stories, and find hope.
Cleft Lip
2 membersA group for those with Cleft Lip and their families, friends, and caretakers to connect, receive understanding, and access helpful resources.
Clotting Issues
7 membersA group for those living with Clotting Issues, their families, and their supporters to unite, ask questions, and share knowledge.
20 membersA group for those diagnosed with COPD, their families, friends, and caretakers to discuss treatments, seek advice, and provide encouragement.
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
15 membersA group for those facing Coronary Artery Disease, their families, friends, and caregivers to get support, find guidance, and exchange information.
Crohns Disease
12 membersA group for those living with Crohns Disease, their families, friends, and caregivers to create a community, get advice, and share resources.
Cystic Fibrosis
6 membersA group for those affected by Cystic Fibrosis, their families, and their advocates to receive help, find understanding, and connect with others.
19 membersA group for people who are unable to hear or have difficulty hearing. This group provides support and resources for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Deviated Septum
6 membersA group for people who have a deviated septum, a condition where the nasal septum is crooked or off-center. This group shares tips and advice for living with a deviated septum, as well as providing support and resources.
Diabetes Mellitus - Type 1
31 membersA group for people with type 1 diabetes, a condition where the body does not produce enough insulin. This group offers advice and support for managing type 1 diabetes, as well as providing resources and tips for living with the condition.
Diabetes Mellitus - Type 2
96 membersA group for people with type 2 diabetes, a condition where the body does not produce enough or use insulin effectively. This group provides support and resources for managing type 2 diabetes, as well as advice and tips for living with the condition.
19 membersA group for people with dyslexia, a condition that makes it difficult to read, write and spell. This group provides support, resources and advice for living with dyslexia, as well as tips for managing the condition.
Early-Onset Alzheimers
3 membersA group for people who experience memory loss and confusion before the age of 65.
25 membersA group for people with eczema, a skin condition that causes red, itchy and scaly patches. This group provides support and resources for managing eczema, as well as advice and tips for living with the condition.
4 membersA group for people with emphysema, a condition where the air sacs in the lungs are damaged, leading to difficulty breathing. This group shares resources and advice for managing emphysema, as well as providing support and tips for living with the condition
23 membersA group for people with epilepsy, a condition that causes seizures. This group offers support and resources for living with epilepsy, as well as advice and tips for managing the condition.
Erectile Dysfunction
18 membersA group for people who experience difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection.
61 membersA group for people who experience chronic pain in their muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
16 membersA group for people who have a fallen arch or no arch in one or both feet.
4 membersA group for people who experience the formation of hard deposits in their gallbladder.
10 membersA group for people who suffer from an eye condition characterized by increased pressure in the eyes.
Hard of Hearing
37 membersA group for people who experience difficulty hearing and understanding sound.
Heart - Atrial Fibrillation
18 membersA group for people with an irregular heartbeat caused by the upper chambers of their heart quivering.
Heart - Congestive Heart Failure
22 membersA group for people with a weakening of the heart muscle that causes it to not be able to pump enough blood to meet the bodys needs.
Heart Murmur
34 membersA group for people who experience unusual or extra sounds heard when listening to their heartbeat.
88 membersA group for people who experience a burning sensation in the chest due to stomach acid flowing back up the esophagus.
0 membersA group for people with a bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of certain proteins in the blood.
Hepatitis A
5 membersA group for people with an infection of the liver caused by a virus that is usually spread from person to person.
Hepatitis B
11 membersA group for people with an infection of the liver caused by a virus that is usually spread through contact with infected blood.
Hepatitis C
21 membersA group for people with an infection of the liver caused by a virus that is usually spread through contact with infected blood.
19 membersA group for people who experience tissue or an organ pushing through a weak spot in their abdominal wall.
Herniated Disk
12 membersA group for people who experience a displacement of the soft material in the spinal discs.
High Cholesterol
63 membersA group for people with an increased level of cholesterol in their blood.
92 membersA group for people with a virus that can weaken the immune system and lead to AIDS.
11 membersA group for people who experience red, itchy, raised areas on the skin that can be caused by an allergic reaction.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
86 membersA group for people who have an abnormally high pressure of the blood in the arteries.
Hypertension With Obesity
26 membersA group for people who are overweight or obese and have an increased risk of developing high blood pressure.
16 membersA group for people with a chronic disorder of the digestive system that causes abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in their bowel habits.
13 membersA group for people who experience involuntary leakage of urine or feces.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
17 membersA group for people with chronic inflammation of the intestines that can cause abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, and fatigue.
90 membersA group for people who experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
Interstitial Lung Disease
2 membersA group for people who experience inflammation and scarring of the lungs that can cause difficulty breathing.
Kidney Disease
25 membersA group for people with an abnormality of the kidneys that can cause a decrease in their ability to filter waste from their blood.
Kidney Stones
17 membersA group for people who experience hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys.
0 membersA group for people with an abnormally curved spine that can cause an exaggerated rounding of the upper back.
Lactose Intolerant
40 membersA group for people who are unable to digest the sugar found in dairy products.
Large Bowel Polyps
3 membersA group for people who have growths in their large intestine that can be benign or precancerous.
3 membersA group for people with a chronic autoimmune disorder that can cause inflammation of the joints and other organs.
4 membersA group for people who experience a buildup of fluid in the tissues that can cause swelling, usually in the arms or legs.
Macular Degeneration
5 membersA group for people with a deterioration of the center of the retina that can cause vision loss.
27 membersA group for people who experience a natural decline in their reproductive hormones and a decrease in fertility.
Mental Health: ADHD
70 membersA group for people with a disorder characterized by difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
Mental Health: Anorexia Nervosa
20 membersA group for people who have an extreme fear of gaining weight and an obsessive desire to lose weight.
Mental Health: Anxiety
173 membersA group for people who experience fear, worry, and unease that can interfere with their daily activities.
Mental Health: Bipolar
84 membersA group for people who experience dramatic mood swings between depression and mania.
Mental Health: Bulimia Nervosa
7 membersA group for people who have an obsessive desire to lose weight by purging food through vomiting or laxatives.
Mental Health: CPTSD
0 membersA group for people who have experienced trauma and have symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and difficulty regulating emotions.
Mental Health: Depression
187 membersA group for people who experience persistent feelings of sadness and low moods that can interfere with their daily life.
Mental Health: OCD
49 membersA group for people who experience intrusive thoughts and obsessions that can cause anxiety and distress.
Mental Health: Panic Disorder
62 membersA group for people who experience sudden, intense fear or anxiety that can cause physical symptoms.
Mental Health: PTSD
0 membersA group for people who have experienced trauma and have symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and hyperarousal.
Mental Health: Schizophrenia
28 membersA group for people who experience symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and difficulty functioning.
Mental Health: Stress
142 membersA group for people who experience physical and emotional reactions to pressure that can interfere with their daily activities.
78 membersA group for people who experience intense headaches that can be accompanied by visual disturbances and nausea.
Multiple Sclerosis
14 membersA group for people who experience damage to the nerves in their brain and spinal cord that can cause a wide range of symptoms.
11 membersA group for people who have difficulty seeing distant objects and need corrective lenses to correct their vision.
106 membersA group for people who are significantly overweight and have a body mass index over 30.
10 membersA group for people who have weakened bones due to a decrease in bone density and an increased risk of fractures.
Peripheral Neuropathy
11 membersA group for people who experience nerve damage in their arms and legs that can cause pain, tingling, and numbness.
Phantom Pain
4 membersA group for people who experience sensations of pain in a limb or body part that has been amputated.
11 membersA group for people who suffer from a chronic skin condition that causes red, scaly, and itchy patches of skin.
Restless Leg Syndrome
22 membersA group for people who experience an urge to move their legs accompanied by an uncomfortable sensation.
Retinitis Pigmentosa
2 membersA group for people who experience progressive vision loss due to the degeneration of the retina.
18 membersA group for people who experience an abnormal curvature of the spine that can cause pain and difficulty breathing.
6 membersA group for people who experience a painful rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox.
Sickle Cell Anemia
3 membersA group for people who have an inherited disorder of the red blood cells that can cause episodes of pain.
39 membersA group for people who experience inflammation of the lining of the sinuses that can cause pain and congestion.
Sleep Apnea
40 membersA group for people who experience pauses in breathing during sleep that can cause difficulty sleeping and fatigue.
Spastic Colon
0 membersA group for people who have a functional bowel disorder that can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in their bowel habits.
Spinal Meningitis
1 memberA group for people who experience inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
14 membersA group for people who have an imperfection in the eye that causes distorted vision and sometimes headaches.
Stomach Ulcers
19 membersA group for people who experience sores in their stomach or small intestine that can cause pain and discomfort.
10 membersA group for people who experience a sudden loss of brain function due to a lack of blood flow to the brain.
11 membersA group for people who experience inflammation of the tendons that can cause pain and difficulty moving a joint.
Tennis Elbow
4 membersA group for people who experience pain and discomfort in the outside of their elbow due to overuse of the forearm muscles.
2 membersA group for people who have an inherited disorder of the red blood cells that can cause anemia.
0 membersA group for people who have an infection in their lungs caused by a bacteria that can cause coughing, fever, and fatigue.
Ulcerative Colitis
3 membersA group for people who have a chronic inflammation of the colon and rectum causing abdominal pain and diarrhea.
4 membersA group for people who experience a loss of skin color in patches due to destruction of pigment cells.
68 membersA group for people who use the insertion of needles into specific points on the body as an alternative form of medicine.
Cancer Survivor
21 membersA group for people who have completed treatment for cancer and are living their lives with a renewed sense of hope.
3 membersA group for people who are undergoing treatment for cancer using drugs that kill cancer cells.
52 membersA group for people who use manual manipulation of the spine to treat pain and other ailments.
38 membersA group for people who have successfully completed treatment for a disease or illness and have been declared cured.
Eastern Medicine
108 membersA group for people who use alternative forms of medicine such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, and meditation.
Faith Healing
79 membersA group for people who use spiritual methods such as prayer and meditation to heal physical, mental, and spiritual ailments.
Holistic Treatment
194 membersA group for people who use the integration of physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of their health to promote healing.
In Remission
12 membersA group for people who have had their cancer or other illness under control for a period of time, but are at risk of relapse.
In Treatment
22 membersA group for people who are currently undergoing treatment for a cancer or other illness.
Monoclonal Antibodies
3 membersA group for people who are undergoing treatment for cancer using drugs that target specific cancer cells.
9 membersA group for people who are undergoing treatment for cancer using high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells.
Western Medicine
80 membersA group for people who use traditional forms of medicine such as surgery, drugs, and radiation to treat illness.
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